We offer discounts for longer documents and regular work - please contact us for further details.
Translation costs are based on the number of words to be translated in the original (source) text. Factors that impact price include whether you require standard translation with editing, or business-critical translation with editing, followed by a separate final review. Rates also differ between standard text, highly non-linear text (such as software strings), text that requires adaptation (such as marketing or promotional content), and text in formats other than Word, Excel and PDF (including InDesign, FrameMaker, HTML etc). Discounts may be available on assignments in excess of 5000 words, and will vary according to word count, format and timescale.
Please contact us with details of any specific
assignment for further information. Once we receive a copy of the
text for translation, we will get back to you immediately with a
complete quote and timeline for the assignment, which will remain
valid for 30 days. If we require any additional information we will
contact you prior to sending you the quote.
VAT is added at the current rate for UK clients. Non-UK clients will be invoiced without VAT but those based in the EU should supply their VAT/IVA number.
Payment is due within one month of the date of invoice or on completion if a credit limit has not been agreed. Payment may be made by cheque, cash, BACS, or debit/credit card. Payment must be made on or before the due date, regardless of whether reimbursement has been received from any client or third party.
Rates vary depending on the language combination, availability of interpreters and the type of interpreting required. Our in-house software enables us to locate the closest qualified interpreter to where you require them to be, thereby reducing travel costs. If you contact us with your particular requirement, we will send you a complete quote for the service as soon as possible. Confirmation of all bookings is required in writing.